Hi, This is a blog about Zula, Gideon, and Ari Zev. Check us out! Love, the Kids

Friday, July 23, 2010

Gideon Turns Two!

I know, I actually turned two last month, but sometimes it takes Mommy awhile to download pictures.

Want to see what I wore to my birthday party?

Well, actually I had clothes on until I went wading in the river.

Here's the cake that Mommy made for me. Auntie helped decorate it.

Everyone sang "Happy Birthday".

Zula coached me on what to do next...

...and Rocco helped me blow out the candles.

Good cake, Mom!

Later, I played soccer with Grandaddy.

We also had a lot of fun with the balls I got for my birthday last year -- thanks again Auntie JJ!

Do you think Daddy will notice I snuck in here?

Now everybody has to do it..

Alright, c'mon people, is everyone going to be running around in just a diaper next?

Did I mention that even Costello came to my party?

and that some of the Ladies of the Palisades were there?

Eventually, Zula convinced me to open some of my gifts.

We started playing with the farm right away...

What a great birthday!

The Butterfly Expert

Did you know my sister's a butterfly expert?

Last month I went to her classroom for an exhibition on butterflies, worms and fish.

Look at all these butterflies!

Zula explained to me everything about them.

She and her class even acted out how caterpillars become butterflies.

Zula knows all about butterflies, but some of her friends are worm experts.

Some people are afraid to hold worms, but not my big sister.

After the exhibition, we released the butterflies.

And then I got to sit with Zula and her friend to eat a snack!

What a great day!