Hi, This is a blog about Zula, Gideon, and Ari Zev. Check us out! Love, the Kids

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Zula's Big Fat Social Week

Hey, it's you again. Welcome back to my blog! I had quite a week. Do you want to hear about it?Posted by Picasa


Let's see. It all started last Sunday when I went to the farmer's market in Arlington to buy fresh fruit and veggies. That's good eatin'! Posted by Picasa

In the afternoon, I hung out at a jazz festival in Rosslyn. Herbie Hancock wasn't there but it was still okay. Posted by Picasa

On Wednesday night I went to my first cocktail party at the Kennedy Center. And guess who I saw?!? That's right...Joseph Lieberman! (not shown in picture)  Posted by Picasa

Yep, I was definitely a social animal this week. But that's not all! Posted by Picasa

On Friday night I went to hear Jonathan Kozol speak with my friend Mary. Here we are! Posted by Picasa

On Saturday I went to my first college football game. Brown vs. Georgetown. Here are all the friends I made at the game! (actually, I already knew the guy holding me.) Posted by Picasa

Before the game, I whispered my prediction into dad's ear. "Brown is going to win." I was right! Posted by Picasa

Here's my new friend Carrie. She's a Georgetown fan. We got in a bit of an argument about that. Posted by Picasa

Guess who else was at the game?! My mom and grandpa! Two of my favorite Brown alumni. Posted by Picasa

After the game, I went to a Barbeque with a bunch of my dad's business school friends. Here I am with Barak. What a guy! Posted by Picasa

I also met Regine. She's expecting a little baby boy any day now. Here I am talking to him through Regine's belly (baby's can do that sort of stuff, you know.) Posted by Picasa