Hi, This is a blog about Zula, Gideon, and Ari Zev. Check us out! Love, the Kids

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Welcome back to Zula's Blog! First of all, let me apologize for the delay in updated photos. My daddy got sand in his camera while horsing around on the beach and let's just say that a lot of cute moments were missed. Fortunately, I'm all about cute moments. Now that the camera is back, i'm making up for lost time. This one features two of my cousins -- Aviva and Noah.

The three of us are thinking about becoming models for JCrew. All you have to do is wear their clothing (even if it doesn't fit quite right), hang out and act like you're having fun. That's actually a real strength of ours. It would be like getting paid for what we already do!

I call this pose "Chillin". It's one i've been developing for a few months now. It used to take me hours in front of the mirror to get it right. Now it's pretty much instant.

Mommy says that daddy can be my agent, since he's so good at talking on the cell phone. Isn't that right mommy?

In case modeling doesn't work out, Aviva and I are working on some new dance moves. Aviva is particularly creative. I work hard at my dancing but for Aviva...well, let's just say that she's got a beautiful dancing mind.