Hi, This is a blog about Zula, Gideon, and Ari Zev. Check us out! Love, the Kids

Monday, October 31, 2005

Hi Everyone and Happy Halloween! This blog update is dedicated to all-things-Halloween! Let's get things started with this first shot, a picture of my recent trip to the zoo. I saw bees, and giraffes, cats, and lions. Did I trick you? If you look closer you'll see that it's not the zoo at all. It's me and my friends and we're dressed up for Halloween! I am a bee, Hannah is the giraffe, Petra is the cat, and Harry is the lion. Posted by Picasa

Here is a picture of a bee flying through a field of flowers. No...I'm just kidding again. It's me and my parents silly. I'm a bumble bee and they are flowers. Bzzzzz... Posted by Picasa

Run for your lives...it's a swarm of bees!!! You're not going to believe me when I tell you that we didn't plan this. Really, we didn't. Mark Slidell dressed as "the Queen Bee", Carrie and Erica were worker bees, and Mark's mom, that other woman (I never did get her name) and I were, well, just plain old bees.
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The Queen Bee and I hit it off. (Don't tell anyone, but i'm hoping she'll tap me to be the next queen! Wouldn't that be cool..."Queen Zula". I'd be a benevolent queen...in fact, the first thing I would do is put a moratorium on stinging anyone who had been to Zula's Blog....so if you're reading this, you'd be safe!) Posted by Picasa