Hi, This is a blog about Zula, Gideon, and Ari Zev. Check us out! Love, the Kids

Saturday, July 29, 2006

On July 21st, I turned one year old. To celebrate my mom, dad, and grandaddy took me to a restaurant and treated me to cheerios.
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Here we are. In this picture I'm wondering if they serve anything other than cheerios...
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Cheesecake...thank god! And it's even got a candle in it! Posted by Picasa

The next day I had a birthday party near the Potomac. Did you notice my new shoes? Thanks Meme! Posted by Picasa

After the party, I opened gifts. Who knew how much fun birthdays could be! Posted by Picasa

One of my favorite gifts came all the way from Cambodia. Thanks Sarah and Andrew! Someday I hope to visit Angor Wat (also known as the "Lost City") , and when I do I'll know just what to wear. Posted by Picasa

Now that I'm one, I've decided to take up a new hobby....walking. I know, everyone's doing it, but I think it will be very useful in the future. Here is a link showing my first steps! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HfitEwoLsk . Posted by Picasa