Happy Halloween!
Want some candy? I got a lot on Halloween!
But wait, let me back up and tell the story from the beginning...

First, this little fairy decided that I should dress up as a kangaroo. Probably this is the last year she gets to pick my costume, so she went for broke.

She was such a cute fairy, I just did what she said.

Then this scary witch came along. I decided I needed my pacifier.

Then Frida Kahlo showed up! I felt better once she was there.

But we had to get moving. The Great Zucchini (a kids' magician, for those who don't live in D.C.) was performing down the street!

There were some creepy people there...

Actually lots of scary monsters! Are you guys sure about this?!?

After the show, the witch let me share his dinner. I felt better again.

It started to get dark...

and Kendra, Kai and Katherine were waiting to go trick-or-treating.

and so, we were off!

Kai showed the way...

I just followed the wings.

Cool -- light sticks!
...and twin Pippis!

Hey, look what we got!

My Scottish auntie was very generous with her candy...

so I helped myself...

and then I gave it to other people!

I even gave foot massages!

I don't care what the big kids say -- I've got this Halloween thing figured out.