Challah and Gymnastics
Hi everybody! Last Friday was our temple's Shabbat Shalom Around Town, where different families meet over Shabbat dinner at each other's homes. While I supervised (and snacked), Zula and Mommy made challah. Here's Zula kneading the dough:
It was delicious! Sorry, we ate it too fast to get a picture of the finished product.
On another note, guess what Zula got in the latest box of hand-me-downs from our neighbor Frances?
That's right, her first leotard!
Today, Grandma was at a camp fair, so Mommy and I took Zula to gymnastics. Wow, my big sister can do some cool stuff! Here she is during the warm-up:
Waiting for her turn...
Ready to go...
On the bar...

and the floor...

and rolling...

After class, we found a climbing structure on the playground. Zula made quick work of it.

Piece of cake!
See that little boy in the bottom corner? His dad couldn't believe Zula was only 3 1/2. He watched in amazement as Zula scampered quickly up past his son, and then said to Mommy, "You have tough kids!"