Hi, This is a blog about Zula, Gideon, and Ari Zev. Check us out! Love, the Kids

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Challah and Gymnastics

Hi everybody! Last Friday was our temple's Shabbat Shalom Around Town, where different families meet over Shabbat dinner at each other's homes. While I supervised (and snacked), Zula and Mommy made challah. Here's Zula kneading the dough:

It was delicious! Sorry, we ate it too fast to get a picture of the finished product.

On another note, guess what Zula got in the latest box of hand-me-downs from our neighbor Frances?

That's right, her first leotard!

Today, Grandma was at a camp fair, so Mommy and I took Zula to gymnastics. Wow, my big sister can do some cool stuff! Here she is during the warm-up:

Waiting for her turn...

Ready to go...

On the bar...

and the floor...

and rolling...

After class, we found a climbing structure on the playground. Zula made quick work of it.

Piece of cake!

See that little boy in the bottom corner? His dad couldn't believe Zula was only 3 1/2. He watched in amazement as Zula scampered quickly up past his son, and then said to Mommy, "You have tough kids!"