Alligators at the Beach
We had a great Passover seder this year (sorry, Mommy didn't take any photos, because she was leading it) with special guests Pollyanne, Raj and Kai!
Right after the seder Zula and I went to sleep in our carseats while Mommy and Daddy drove through the night. We had breakfast in Beaufort, SC and then went on to Huntington State Park, where we stayed for three nights, in the campsite above.
Here's a sign by the visitor's center. Yikes!

We found lots of sand dollars and crabs...

I was too little to climb the lighthouse, but do you see Daddy and Zula at the top?

Mommy took a picture of the view from the top later:

Back at the beach, I caught up on my reading...

and we walked to mud flats and ghost forests...

There was lots of quality time with Mom and Dad.

I really liked the live oaks with their Spanish moss.

But, despite the sign, we didn't see any alligators -- until the drive home!

There were lions, too!

After the animals, I squeezed in a little hat shopping and carousel time.
Thanks for a great trip, everybody!

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