Happy Halloween and Diwali!
Happy Halloween! Zula's taking a nap, so I'm stepping in to author this blog post.

Before we get to Halloween, I have to tell you about Diwali:

Kai's grandparents invited us all over to celebrate the holiday.

Don't Zula and Kai look cute in their Indian clothes?

My outfit from India is still too big, so that's why I'm not in these pictures.
After Diwali, we had to get ready for Halloween, so we went to the pumpkin patch with Zula's preschool class.

Yep, that's Maysie and Skye in the picture, too -- they came to visit! Too bad Skye and I are hidden by the Ergos. Here's a better shot of us hanging out:

Skye's 10 days older than me, so he taught me a lot -- he's much better at tummy time!
Anyway, back at the pumpkin patch, while I hung out in the Ergo, Zula got to feed goats:

My big sister is so brave!
She even jumped into the corn pit:

When we got home, it was time to design our jack o'lanterns:

I let Zula do mine since I can't really hold the pen yet, but do you see me supervising from my baby swing in the background?
Next we met up with Kai for some early trick o' treating at the playground:

Halloween was fun, but do you know we're going to be on TV? Look at all this stuff in the living room:

Our garden got picked for a show on the Smithsonian channel where horticulturalists help home gardeners, can you believe it? The director had to hold me while they interviewed Mommy.

Well, I better sign off. Here's a final shot of me and Skye:

See you soon, everybody!
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